Why Detoxing the Liver is Important

The concept of internal cleansing and detoxification has been around for quite some time. In modern times, as society has increasingly been exposed to toxic compounds in the air, water, and food, it has become apparent that our ability to detoxify substances to which we are exposed is of critical importance in our overall health. We can enhance detoxification primarily by promoting improved liver function.

 Detoxification of harmful substances is a continual process in the body. The ability to detoxify and eliminate toxins largely determines an individual’s health status. A number of toxins (heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, microbial toxins, alcohol, etc.) are known to cause significant health problems.

The Role of the Liver

Liver plays several roles in detoxification.

  • It filters the blood to remove large toxins.

  • Synthesises and secretes bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles unwanted chemicals.

    This enzymatic process usually occurs in two steps, referred to as phase I and phase II, with phase I chemically modifying the chemicals to make them an easier target for one or more of the several phase II enzyme systems.

 When The Liver is Over Loaded

Your liver is a workhouse that can even regenerate its own damaged cells. However, it is not invincible. When it lacks essential nutrients or when it is overwhelmed by toxins. It no longer performs as it should. Hormone imbalances may develop. Fat may accumulate in the liver and then just under the skin or in other organs. Toxins build up and get into your blood stream. Among the signs of ‘toxic liver’ are:

  • Weight gain especially around the abdomen

  • Cellulite

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Indigestion

  • Fatigue

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Skin rashes

How a sluggish liver effects Other parts of the body

When your liver is sluggish, every organ in your body is affected, and you weight loss efforts are blocked. Blood vessels are enlarged and blood flow become restricted. A toxic liver is unable to break down the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which accumulates to retain sodium and water and suppress potassium. The liver fails to detoxify the components of oestrogen oestrone and oestradiol) for excretion, so symptoms of oestrogen dominance arise. It is unable to carry out its activities to control glucose. A toxic liver can lead to hypoglycaemia, which can produce sugar cravings, weight gain, and Candida overgrowth. A toxic liver is unable to process toxins, enabling them to escape your blood stream and set off an immune response. With repeated assaults from escaped toxins, you immune system becomes over worked. A liver overloaded with pollutants and toxins cannot efficiently burn body fat, and thus will sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Q. What is the basic philosophy of detox?

The goal of a detox programme is to help the elimination of toxins and waste substances that build up during the day in the body and make us feel below par. Causes can include stress, tobacco, alcohol or an unbalanced diet.

Under normal conditions, the body has the ability to cleanse itself thanks to its major detoxifying organs- the kidneys, the liver and the intestine. However, when our toxin elimination process is overused, it ends up being blocked and the body loses its tonicity. A ‘detox’ break is consequently necessary.

Q. What benefits can this bring to the body?

In concrete terms, a detox programme will help us to restore lost vitality, to maintain good health and to drive away small symptoms which are usually the sign of intoxication such as feeling of tiredness, lack of concentration, skin problems, digestive disorders and even weight gain.

 Q. What is the best way for someone to detox properly?

The rules are simple. You just have to adopt a light, balanced and diversified diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. The aim is to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to stimulate itself- cleansing mechanisms. It is also recommended to drink 2.5 to 3 litres of still water a day.

Regular exercise is highly supportive as well.

 A rational approach to aiding the body’s detoxification involves:

  1. Eating a diet that focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables.

  2. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including avoidance of alcohol and exercising regularly.

  3. Using special nutritional and herbal supplements to protect the liver and enhance liver function. 

Written By Dr Zeeba, Nutritionist